Application Process

Stamford American International School reviews applications on a rolling basis throughout the year, subject to availability and program or grade level. We aim to make the application process a pleasant, straightforward experience. The application form and supporting documents can be submitted through our online application system and by following the steps below. Please note, we do not reserve spaces, nor is placement confirmed until you receive an official letter from our enrollment team. An application does not guarantee an offer and the application fee is non-refundable regardless the outcome.

Student Support Program

Stamford American offers an extensive Student Support Program. However, the program is currently at full capacity in all grade levels. The need for support services will be determined by our team during the review of the application. Please note that is any space becomes available, our already waitlisted applicants will be prioritized. 

Application and Outcome 

Applications at Stamford American are reviewed on a rolling basis once the application form and all required supporting documents, including the application fee, have been submitted. Students who are determined to require an English Language Assessment will be tested during the application review stage using either the WIDA model (KG2 – Grade 5) or a SLATE test (Grade 6 – Grade 10). Due to the validity of the English language assessment families applying more than 6 months in advance of their chosen start date will be pre-reviewed upon application and then tested no more than 6 months before the child’s start date.

The outcome of the application will be released once the application review and English language assessment (if required) have been completed.

To inquire about availability or to visit our campuses, please contact the Admissions Department at +65 6653 2949 or fill out our inquiry form.

Admissions Handbook 2024-2025

To apply, please follow these steps:

Step 1

Submit the online application form and attach the required documents. Click below for grade-specific requirements.

  • Copy of Passport
  • Passport sized photo
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Current and previous year school reports (must be officially translated into English)
  • Academic reports for the most recent 2 consecutive years
  • For High School: Transcripts for Grade 9 to Grade 11
  • For Grade 9 Applicants: Grade 8 reports for Semester 1 and 2
  • English and Math teacher emails plus consent of parents for on-island transfers (applicable for Middle School and High School)
  • Reason for on-island transfer (applicable for Middle School and High School)
  • Reason for requesting to repeat a grade (for High School, if applicable)
  • Letter of Enrolment (sample template is available here) with current academic courses (applicable for High School if a transcript including the current year cannot yet be provided).
  • Expression of interest (applicable to High School students for the courses the students would wish to take. Please review the High School Course Catalogue on the High School page to ensure that the courses you are interested in are available)
  • Diploma Program Application for incoming Grade 11 (applicable for High School)
  • Diploma Program Transfer Form (applicable for High School for transferring DP G11S2 or G12 students)
  • Middle Years Program Transfer Form (applicable for High School for transferring MYP G10S2 students)

Step 2

Complete payment of Application fee. Please note this is non-refundable under any circumstances.

We offer several convenient payment options as detailed here. Should your company be assisting with payment of the fees, please have a company representative complete this form and return to us with the application.

After the application is submitted a member of our admissions team will be in touch and may request additional documents where applicable. These might include but are not limited to the following:

  • Standardized achievement test scores
  • Educational assessment or specialist reports
  • Please note students need to be 12 years or older, and applying for Grade 6 and above to be eligible to reside with a Guardian*

*Guardian is someone who is not a parent of the student and has been approved by the parents to have the duty of care of the child. This includes other family members, family friends, and other persons. Please refer to the tab below on “Students Living Away From Parents” for detailed SAIS guardianship options.

After acceptance into Stamford, and before starting school you will need to provide the following:

1. Signed Student Contract**

Once an offer is made, a link will be emailed to sign the student contract which secures the students space. This must be completed within seven (7) days of receipt of the email or priority will be given to other applicants and the space may be forfeited.

Below are copies of the contracts for reference only. No hard copy contracts need to be submitted.

Infant Care Contract

Pre-Nursery - Nursery Student Contract

Pre K - KG 2 Student Contract

Grade 1 - 5 Student Contract

Grade 6 - 10 Student Contract

Grade 11 - 12 student Contract

2. Settlement of remaining Enrollment, Facility and Tuition fees

Fees must be paid within seven calendar (7) days of receipt of the invoice or as per fee schedule.

3. Photocopy of Valid Visa

Students must be in possession of a valid visa before starting school:

  • Dependents Pass (DP): If one parent is an eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holder, they can bring certain family members to Singapore on a Dependant’s Pass.
  • Student Pass (SP): If the above is not applicable. Stamford will register a child requiring a Student Pass with the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) after acceptance and parents will process the application from there. Student Pass holders can commence classes after the student ID has been issued. Student Pass holders must meet the minimum 90% monthly attendance requirements stipulated by the ICA.
  • Long term Vistor’s Pass (LTVP): LTVP holders may enroll in a full-time course within a duration of their existing pass and will not require a Letter of Consent nor Student Pass.


The applicant will be asked to take an English Language assessment after the application is completed in full if English is not their native language, or if they are coming from a school where English is not the language of instruction, or if they were receiving EAL (English as Additional Language) support from their previous school. In Grades KG2 – G5, our school offers two paths of English language support:

  • EAL Level A: For students entering, emerging, and developing English skills (low-mid level current knowledge)
  • EAL Level B: For students developing, expanding, and bridging English skills (mid-high level current knowledge)

In Grades 6 – 10 , the following support is available: 

In Grades 11 – 12, students are required to have a near native level of English speaking, writing, and comprehension.

The level of support required for KG2 – G5 is determined by the WIDA English proficiency assessment conducted by a member of our enrollment team (ideally in person at the Admissions office) and is required before admittance.

The level of support required for G6 – G10 (as well as Grade 5 students starting in semester 2), including the PCS program, is determined by the SLATE Plus test. For students who are unfamiliar with the SLATE Plus, iTEP provides the following test prep materials:

  • Preparation guide
  • Practice guide
  • Preview Test-Free
  • Subject practice tests

Documents can be found on our website:

  1. iTEP Exam Rules and Requirements (English)
  2. iTEP Exam Rules and Requirements (Mandarin)
  3. iTEP Exam Rules and Requirements (Japanese)
  4. iTEP Exam Rules and Requirements (Korean)
  5. iTEP International Global Quick Setup Guide (English)
  6. iTEP International Global Quick Setup Guide (Mandarin)
  7. iTEP International Global Quick Setup Guide (Japanese)
  8. iTEP International Global Quick Setup Guide (Korean)


SAIS will facilitate and cover the cost for the first Slate Plus test. The subsequent tests required due to incomplete tests or deferment will be borne by the student. The applicants should note that only Slate Plus tests facilitated by SAIS will be considered in the application process.


We are currently at capacity in some grade levels. If a place is not available at the time you wish to join, you will be invited to join our waitlist. Payment of the $3,860 enrolment fee will secure your space on the list. Please note that this fee is fully refundable if at any time you wish to be removed from the list. If you are offered a space and decide not to accept, the fee is non-refundable.


Stamford American aims to welcome all family members into our community. As such, admissions priority is given to families with siblings already offered or enrolled at Stamford. Siblings will also be given priority should there be a waitlist in their grade level.


Approval is required from the Ministry of Education (MOE) before a Singaporean student (6 years old and above) is allowed to attend classes at Stamford. The application for approval from the MOE will be sent as soon as a student is accepted. Please note that Singaporean applicants who are 6 years old and above will be accepted onto our waitlist and no place will be reserved for the student until formal approval has been granted by the MOE.


The National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS) comprises childhood vaccinations recommended as the standard of care for protection against vaccine preventable diseases that are of significant healthcare burden to Singapore or would be so without these vaccinations. 

The NCIS covers vaccinations against 12 diseases – tuberculosis, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliovirus, Haemophilus influenzae type b, measles, mumps, rubella, pneumococcal disease and human papillomavirus. From 1 November 2020, the NCIS will also cover vaccinations against two more diseases, i.e. varicella (chickenpox) and influenza.

Of these, vaccinations against measles and diphtheria are compulsory for children under the Infectious Diseases Act.

An original copy of your child’s immunization record must be submitted to Stamford American International School (SAIS) once he/she has been issued with the Letter of Offer for admission. All submitted records, if they are in foreign languages, must be translated into English.


The Ministry of Health (MOH) of Singapore has introduced diphtheria and measles vaccination requirements as a prerequisite for foreign-born children applying for long-term immigration passes to Singapore, with effect 1 February 2019.

Foreign-born children aged 12 years old and below, who are first-time applicants for Dependent’s Pass (DP), Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP), and Student Pass (STP) are required to submit documentary proof of vaccination or evidence of immunity for diphtheria and measles to the Health Promotion Board (HPB) for before they can proceed with their visa or pass application. Further details and the application form can be found on the HPB website.


Stamford offers a Specialized Support Program for students who require support for learning differences. The needs of eligible students will be assessed on an individual basis and parents should discuss their situation with the Admissions Office prior to making an application.


Pre-course counselling is an essential step for admissions to Stamford American. The Pre-Course Counselling Information Pack covers the following information to help you make informed decisions:

  • School and Course Information
  • Fee Payable and Payment Method
  • Fee Protection Schemes (FPS) & Student Contract
  • Refund/Transfer and Withdrawal Policy and Procedure
  • Singapore Regulations for International Students
  • Student Support Services
  • Device Use Policy
  • SkillsFuture Singapore


Please read them carefully before applying and speak to your admissions managers if you have any questions.


Stamford American International School (SAIS) is committed to providing support for students who may study and live in Singapore without a parent. Our top priority is ensuring all students reside in safe and well-supported living conditions that promote academic success.  Please note that students under 12 years old must reside with a parent in order to enroll at SAIS.

For students aged 12 and older who will not live with a parent, there are three options for guardianship in Singapore: 

Extended family member: Parents may elect to place their student in the care of an extended family member such as a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or family friend living in Singapore. That person will become their appointed guardian. The student will live in their home, and the extended family member will assume responsibility for the student’s welfare. 

Boarding: Our preferred boarding provider is Anglo Chinese School’s (ACS) Oldham Hall, the longest-established boarding institution in Singapore. Our staff work closely with the team at ACS Oldham Hall to ensure aligned support and communications. More information can be found on the ACS Oldham Hall website. 

Homestay: Parents may select a guardian that has their own guardianship practices and business. Homestays are arranged by agents or guardians themselves, with different locations, services, and arrangements. We recommend that parents visit several homestays before making a decision on where to place their student. For more information, please refer to our Homestay Help Sheet 

In all three cases, the parent must identify a guardian for the student and ensure the school is informed. Completion of the guardianship form is required. 

Temporary Absence of Parents/Guardians: 

We understand that there are times when either parents or guardians may be temporarily absent from Singapore. In this case please submit an in-loco parentis form to the divisional office to nominate an adult to whom parental responsibility has been delegated. 

For any student living away from a parent, please follow these steps:


  • Indicate in the school application that the student will be living away from a parent in Singapore. This notifies the Guardianship Team and begins the intake process
  • Once enrollment is confirmed, share details of the living arrangement with the Guardianship Team via email Basic information, living situation and guardianship details will be collected. A meeting with the Guardianship Team may be scheduled
  • Complete and sign the guardianship form provided by the Guardianship Team

Secondary School Open House

Explore our campus and experience state-of-the-art facilities firsthand! Discover our American curriculum integrated with the IB framework, two graduating pathways, specialized programs, and 350+ co-curricular activities. Register now to secure a seat!

Friday, February 21, 2025, 10.00am - 12.00pm (SGT)

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